
The SPG Forum is now fully sold out. Please contact to be added to the waiting list.

Tickets do not include accommodation or golf tickets.

Member ticket


£625 + VAT

New Professional member ticket

£275 + VAT 

Non-member ticket

£795 + VAT 

Accommodation - Sold out

Accommodation is on a single occupancy B&B basis. Please email the team for double occupancy rates.

Wednesday 6 November
- Sold out

Thursday 7 November
- Sold out 

Wednesday 6 & Thursday 7 November 
- Sold out 


Golf will take place offsite at the beautiful parkland course at Moor Hall Golf club. Tickets include light breakfast on arrival, green fees and a light lunch post golf.

Single ticket

£60 + VAT

4 ball ticket

£240 + VAT

Booking Information

Register now to confirm your place.

To go back to R3's main site, please go here.